
Iridology is the study of the iris in order to take an in-depth look at the overall well-being of the body. It is an incredibly accurate way of seeing within the body; it is the blueprint of your health.

Iridology is for you if you are experiencing mystery health problems, if you already have a diagnosis, if you are on prescription medication or you are seeking an alternative approach. Iridology is a wonderful tool for anyone seeking to know themselves deeper. It is even a great modality for someone who feels perfectly healthy and fit, as getting to know what you may be predisposed towards and what you can do to strengthen any present weaknesses is always helpful and rewarding work.

Iridology looks at your lymphatic system (the body’s sewer system, the detox pathways) via the colors and patterns within the iris. White, yellow, gold, brown, red, and black all mean something different. The shapes of the fibers within the iris tell a story. The white parts of the eye, the sclera, also give health indications. There is truly so much to see within the eye itself.

I am currently offering online services. Reach out with any questions or to book a session.


  • Iridology starts with a photograph of the iris. I will then enlarge the photo to take a deep look at the fibers, colors, and markings in the iris to get an understanding of the lymphatic system especially, and the body as whole. I will analyze what I see and write out a report for you to keep. Every part of the eye tells a story. Here on my site I have included an Iridology chart of where certain glands and organs show up in the eye. For example, by looking near the 6 o’clock area in the iris, I can tell you about your adrenal glands and kidneys. By looking at 12 o’clock I can see what’s happening in the brain and the mind.

    Using Regenerative Detoxification protocols you can strengthen, revive, regenerate, and heal organs, glands, tissues, and cells. Hormonal balance, mental wellbeing, great digestion, clear skin, and true vitality CAN be achieved.

  • No, not at all. I only need a clear photograph of your iris. There is no testing, no sampling, no prodding or poking you of any kind. Iridology is simple, safe, and accurate.

  • Included in your written report will be my recommendations and guidance on how to regenerate and repair some of these organs and glands that are distressed. It is important to note that you can heal ANYTHING, the body is a powerful self-healing machine. I will list herbs and protocols to help you along your journey. If you are in need of extra guidance, I offer 1-on-1 coaching through the Regenerative Detoxification process where fruits, juices, herbs, and sometimes fasting are utilized to clean the body and rebuild you with nature’s most powerful medicines.

  • The rate at which you see your health and your eyes change is unique, as are you. Detoxification by way of fruits, juices, herbs, and sometimes fasting is the most effective and rapid way to see major change. Change in almost any capacity takes time. The severity of your lymphatic stagnation, how we approach your diet, herbal regimen, and other protocols will all have an effect on your healing journey.

  • Yes, it is possible! My eyes have drastically changed in appearance, going from bright blue as a baby girl to grayish blue in adolescent years, back to bright blue once I started my detoxification journey. I pay close attention to my eyes and I notice all sorts of changes even from day to day, all very dependent on what I’ve been eating and consuming in general (the air I’m breathing, water I’m putting on my skin and in my body, and the products I use on my skin and hair.

    You may notice a brightness come back to your eyes. You may notice that your green eyes change towards blue. Perhaps some of the yellow or gold tones in your iris begin to dissipate. Everyone’s experience with their healing journey is vastly different, but it is quite common for folks to experience a change in eye color.